Solar hydraulic group
€259.74The unit with a 3/4" solar circulation pump, fully assembled and tested, consists of:
Flow meter with flow regulation with filling and draining valves.
High efficiency solar synchronous circulation pump with cables.
3-way flanged ball valve with 10 mbar check valve (which can be excluded by turning the handle 45°) supplied with thermometer in the handle (coded blue, range 0°C to 120°C).
6 bar safety unit with pressure gauge ø50 mm 0-10 bar with 3/4” male connection to expansion vessel. End of drain side: 3/4”F.
2-12 L/min
Sonda ambiente NTC550
€18.45NTC550 ambient probe for pellet stoves.
To replace the parts, a certified Cláudio Marques company technician may be required.
Length: 55cm
Módulo operador Modul A
€294.33Executive module A ver. S for the ecoMax 860 P ver. S controller.
To replace the parts, you can count on the help of a certified technician from the company Cláudio Marques.
Cinobloco anti-vibração S40
€2.69Cynoblocks make it possible to isolate, contain and in many cases completely eliminate the vibrations produced by the devices in operation.
Kit contains:
- 4 Cynoblocks
- M8 nuts
- M8 washers
- Rod m8
Controlador de temperatura MHCC
€282.78Time-compensated heating controller for a regulated heating circuit with heat demand.
Purgador automático esquerda 1
€7.36Right automatic drain for radiator.
To replace the parts, you can have the help of a certified technician from Cláudio Marques.
Válvula retorno 1/2" c/OR SQ AR 24x19
Brass body ST UNI EN 12165 CW617N in nickel
Brass Shutter ST UNI EN 12164 CW614N
NBR Plug Seal Rings
EPDM plug top seal with O-ring
White cover RAL 9003 of 5 ABS
Brass Nut ST UNI EN 12165 CW617N Nickel
Nickel plated brass rod ST UNI EN 12164 CW614N
8 NBR Rush Seal O-ring
Brass Ring ST UNI EN 12164 CW614N Note: Haste with radiator seal is also available with O-ring NBR
Note: Can be combined with thermostatic sensor heads and electrothermal heads
Cabo Display
€12.30Winterofen pellet stove display cable.
Length: 120cm
To replace the parts, a certified Cláudio Marques company technician may be required.
Cinobloco anti-vibração S60
€4.85Cynoblocks make it possible to isolate, contain and in many cases completely eliminate the vibrations produced by the devices in operation.
Kit contains:
- 4 Cynoblocks
- M10 nuts
- M10 washers
- Rod M10
Purgador automatico direita 1
€7.36Right automatic drain for radiator.
To replace the parts, you can have the help of a certified technician from Cláudio Marques.
Resistência cerâmica 330W V230 D:11,55mmx94mm
€38.20For very rapid ignition or when it is necessary to achieve higher temperature, we offer ceramic heaters for biomass and pellet stoves.
- Temperature of the element 1000°C in continuous operation or interchanging.
- Resistant to oxidation and corrosion.
- Simplified method of heat exchange by the passage of air both externally and within the air
To replace the parts, you can count on the help of a certified technician from the company CLÁUDIO MARQUES. (call: 238692209)